Wednesday 2 April 2014

Front cover


Original image.

I have now placed the i-D logo on the image in the right place however I think that it is too big to resemble a real cover.

I have made the logo a little smaller and I think that it looks a lot better.

I have added the slogan above the logo now.

Now the barcode which it was a little hard to find one that resembles the magazine that I have but this one is very similar and I am quite happy with it.

I have added the issue name, number, model and photographer names. I dislike the white because it is becoming very common on the cover and on the covers I have researched this is usually a different colour to the rest of the image.

I have changed it to red which matches the models cheeks and dice on the bracelet.

I have added the title of the issue and kept it in lower case because that is how i-D compose the titles on there covers.


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