Wednesday 2 April 2014

Photo shoot 4


This is the original.

There is a light area of the models arm and hair to the left of the front arm which I find very distracting so I will have to get rid of it.

I have just applied a levels adjustment layer to increase the contrast of the image and to make the dark areas very defined.

Another adjustment layer for levels was added and I only exposed the highlights in the models hair which I think defines the image because it is bright and colourful.

I made a hue and saturation adjustment layer and exposed the models lips and the red dice on her bracelet to enhance the brightness.


I really like this image because of the use of soft lighting. The model blends in with the shadows of the image on the left. The skin of the model is soft and lets the tones change smoothly across the image. For the lighting I used directed natural lights from the right in two places. One on the model and diffused light on the brick wall in the background. This image looks very serious which resembles the emotions that are often displayed in a casino or professional poker match. The small aperture used to create this image really defines the face of the model. The excess material in the foreground and background is mostly ignored because the attention of the viewer is drawn to the detail. The colours used are very bright and vibrant so they stand out against the dark tones. The dark tones around the edge of the image give it a sort of frame. I am going to use this image as my front cover because it is very strong and fits the criteria for an i-D magazine front cover.

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